Review Policy

The Rockettes love to read, if we could we’d go without doing the washing or the cooking, alas we’re busy working mothers as well as readers. As you probably appreciate our TBR/Review lists are as long as our arms, so it’s not possible for us to read and review every request, we do look at each of them though.

If a book catches our eye then one of us at least will be able to read/review it.

We post reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and here on the blog. Facebook will have a small review with a link to the review here. Twitter will have a link to here too. We may or may not post on our personal social media accounts too.

Please email us at stating ‘Review request’ in the subject line.  We would like the synopsis, goodreads or amazon links if possible and a small excerpt, to enable us to get a feel for your writing style. It would be great if you could give us some info about the book as well:

Genre? (Contemporary, Paranormal, Other?Is it YA, NA, Adult or Erotic)

Release date? (

Standalone or series? (If it’s a series is it following one storyline or interconnected, is there a cliffhanger, are there other books in the series out or when do you plan to release them?)

Is there anything in the book that may be considered Taboo? (Ménage, Cheating, step-siblings, more extreme BDSM/Fetishes)

Please also tell us if you would like one or all of us to read and review. (Choice not always guaranteed, but we will try) 

It might seem like a lot to ask but it really helps us get a feel of the book and whether we may enjoy it or not.

Please note – We all have Kindle’s – mobi format is preferred. We will only post reviews for books that we review at 3 stars or more. If your book happens to fall below three stars we will email you privately and discuss our reasoning.

Thanks for taking the time to read through our review policy, we can’t wait to hear from you!

The Original RHRomance Rockettes.